How This Side Hustle Made Me Extra €22.2+ in two weeks…
With Just My Smartphone

Yusuf Olatunji NG | Jan. 3, 2023 | 4 mins Read

One of the hot business topics in Nigeria since early 2022 is Amazon KDP.If you are used to browsing the internet.. You might have stumbled on Ads or read about Amazon KDP.But is it real?... And how does it work?I decided to nose-dive into the business and this post is a summary of what you should know about Amazon KDP and how it works...Sometimes 4 years ago, I'm sorry for taking you back.I used to be a common poet on Facebook with numbers of engagement, likes and comments but no credit alert!There is this guy that used to be a social friend. He was earning thousands of dollars writing random books on Amazon and used to post Credit Alerts for us to see.But then, I would always ignore his posts for common reasons like…Na Scam! Na Photoshop!More of being skeptical!Fast-forward to mid 2022, I stumbled on an Ad(Advert) talking about this Amazon KDP again. But this time it's a US-based Advert by Sophie Howard.To run advert has always been something expensive...Imagine spending thousands of dollars just to tell people liesSo, I was curious and decided to give it a try… Because it can't be a scam and everyone would be talking credibly about it.Like You now….You're still doubting.What really attracted me first, was the dollar part.
Then the writing-book part because I enjoy writing.
You may not like writing but I'm sure you like dollars… Which may be the reason you're reading this article.You are not even going to write anything!To cut the story short…I bought this Amazon KDP course in June, 2022 and started studying.
I was desperate to make everything happen in few days
So…I started working things out and within the next three weeks.
I have published 3 books and made 2 little sales.
The thing is…I was busy with other offline businesses.But out of the books I made. 1 book is still selling and will continue to sell.2hrs of your day is enough.The truth is… This is never a Scam...

  • It's not time-consuming

  • It's a Risk-Free

  • You don't need to write by yourself

And Here is my €22 made in just two weeks...

Here are others making big figures...

Why You Should Learn Amazon KDP:

  • It is not a job…

  • You don't need a website

  • You don't need a laptop

  • It is not time consuming

  • You are not working for anyone…

  • You are not referring to someone who will refer to another person…

  • You're the Boss. You work whenever you feel like making some dollars

So, let's talk about what you need to get started…Just your Smartphone, Internet Connection and Knowledge…Let's say you've Your Smartphone and Your Internet Connection… What you don't have is knowledge.Now, let me help you…

What is Amazon KDP?Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is a self-publishing platform owned by World’s richest man Jeff Bezos. It is part of his E-commerce Company, Amazon.It is a marketing platform set for common individuals to self-publish their books and earn extra money.You don’t have to pay Amazon to publish your book either as an eBook or paperback, even hardcover. It's free.
All you do is to create your book, not write your book. You are definitely not writing anything.
Create, upload and set prices. Then Amazon displays your book to its Millions of audience.

Now,... Amazon is a global market-place just like every other big-market in your area...As full as it is, every seller will always get a buyer...The competition doesn't stop you...

How does Amazon KDP work?Let me list out the works for you...

  1. Get Your contents as a file

  2. Design a perfect book cover

  3. Title your book

  4. Get your keywords

  5. Set your book description

  6. Select prices

  7. And wait for your sales to come in

Now, I have listed all you have to do, but, DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IT?No!

Here is Aiyejinna Abraham. The product creator of Amazon KDP For Smartphones. He is an expert at this business and has helped tens of thousands students including myself to succeed.He is the only one I can recommend for you. He is a proven System and he has created a short Free Video that explains step-by-step everything you need to know and how to get started.If you enjoyed this article. You are going to enjoy this special Video. Click the Green button below to Get the Free Video.

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